Working with Women on Temporary Visas & Refuge Cross-Learning Visit

This training has been designed to assist Victorian refuge staff to better support migrant and refugee women, particularly women on temporary visas. The morning training will assist participants to understand visa types, immigration processes and support available to women on different visa types. In the afternoon, participants will be given the opportunity to visit the Good Shepherd refuge.


The day will consist of a 3-hour training session from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm, followed by a lunch break. Then participants will be given the opportunity to visit the Good Shepherd refuge and have a discussion with staff, finishing around 4:00 pm.

On completion of the training participants will have:

  • Applied the principles of culturally responsive practice when engaging with clients/families from migrant and refugee backgrounds experiencing multiple systemic barriers and discrimination.

  • Understood the importance of identifying the visa status of migrant and refugee women experiencing family violence.

  • Discussed the impact of visa status on family violence for migrant and refugee women and their children.

  • Identified different visa types, their conditions, obligations, eligibility for services and support.

  • Understand referral pathways and support available for women on various temporary visas, and where to seek this information.